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Upopolis is a secure online community connecting youth 13-23 with peers experiencing similar stressful life events. Upopolis programming aims to reduce social isolation while educating and empowering youth to play an active role in managing and coping with their diagnosis, condition, or situation (grief, siblings, youth of adult patients).

Kids’ Health Links Foundation (KHLF) program, a Canadian registered charity created Upopolis, our platform was inspired by the medical experiences of two friends: Christina Papaevangelou and Katy McDonald. Through their medical journeys, it became obvious that their sense of separation and need to connect was not unique. Upopolis was launched over fifteen years ago to answer this need, using social technology to alleviate the stress, isolation, and loneliness felt by Canadian youth who have been chronically ill or hospitalized or who have experienced the death of someone close to them.