
FAQ’s for Professionals


What is the professional's/organization's responsibility when referring a youth?

It is the responsibility of the HCP/ organization to ensure that the youth they are referring meets the criteria for Upopolis and has completed the Upopolis pledge form. The criteria are that the youth is between 13 and 23  years of age and has a chronic illness or condition, is a sibling to a youth with a medical diagnosis, has experienced the death of someone close to them, or is the youth of an adult patient with a critical illness. In addition, they are required to have the youth and their family complete a copy of the Upopolis pledge. The pledge can be printed Here (link). Once complete the referrer is to keep the pledge according to their organization’s policies.

What do you mean when you say that Upopolis is a private, safe, secure, and monitored site?

User Sign up
Upopolis is not open to the public or for self-referral, it is a closed private site. All youth and staff are connected by a member of their medical team or organization, all of who have been approved by the Upopolis/ KHLF team. This in-person sign-up allows us to ensure that all users are youth patients and that they are using their correct name (First name with the last initial) on Upopolis. Youth may also join Upopolis after attending a Common Grounds event with the support of a child life specialist from the Upopolis team.

Site Hosting
The Upopolis site is hosted on a secure server within Canada.

Site Monitoring
The Upopolis team reviews comprehensive digests daily of all the activity that happens on Upopolis.

Users can contact a member of the Upopolis team within Upopolis or email
support@upopolis.com to report offensive or abusive content.

After making a referral for a youth, do I have any ongoing responsibility?

No, the activity of the youth referred via the online form will be monitored by the Upopolis team. You are asked to keep on file the pledge form. If there is an adverse event and the emergency information you provided is outdated, the Upopolis team may contact you to follow up with the youth and/or family.

Is there a cost for the referrer or the youth?

No, Upopolis is free.

Leadership Opportunities

Who or what are Upals?

UPals are youth nominated by the Upopolis team, their health center, or themselves to be a lead user. This role involves welcoming new users, creating public spaces for others to join, providing feedback on improvements and program ideas, and more. UPals are users who have experience with Upopolis. UPals count their hours on Upopolis for their school volunteer hours.

How does the Upal get the opportunity to be a Umentor?

Once users turn 23 years of age they are transitioned off the site. At this time, UPals’ involvement within the site over the time they served in this role is reviewed. UPals can be offered the opportunity to complete the UMentor training program and once complete, they become a UMentor.

Who or what are Umentors?

UMentors are youth 23-25 years old with lived experience, this role is also referred to as a young adult facilitator. This role involves providing mentorship, support, and creative content for our users during Common Grounds sessions. Note, that the Upal role is not a prerequisite for the Umentor role.